UMB Healthcare Services

UI/UX Design and Process

A health savings account (HSA) is a smart tool that can help you prepare for your current and future healthcare expenses.
A UMB health savings account belongs to you for your lifetime. It’s your spending account. It’s your choice. It’s your future.

My Role
UI & UX Design
User Research


UMB has a wide range of services; Healthcare Services was in dire need of a refresh. The goal was to work closely with the client Product Owners to, from the ground up redesign the Healthcare Savings Account portal.

Design Process

First, we needed to sell the C-level decision makers to fund the project. To start we conducted a Focus Group Feedback Session providing valuable insight. Working closely with the client Product Owners, we identified key areas of pain. We created User Personas to pin point the different levels of users. The next step was creating low level Wireframes, this is where we failed. The executives could not see the vision. However we pressed on with Product Owner approval.


After pressing on, secured funding to design out the entire Healthcare Savings Account site. Adding new investing features to keep UMB competitive. The UMB Product Owners and Management found this to be a great success and delivered on time. Unfortunately, due to the Global Pandemic development funding was paused.